BlogHer fashion panic…

 I have to say that I’m really excited for the upcoming BlogHer conference. I attended last year, but in a purely professional capacity (my company was a sponsor and the conference was local). I’m even more excited to be attending this year. Even though I’m still attending in a professional capacity with a few other colleagues, and one of my parenting/author bloggers whom I love is speaking, this year I will be attending for the first time as an actual blogger! Ok, so, I’ve only actually written about 10 posts but you gotta start somewhere, right?

With that said, I am TOTALLY stressed about this fashion business. I used to be fashionable. Really, I did. That is San Francisco fashionable – which kind of means you set your own style. Since I’ve had a kid though, I can BARELY muster the energy to get dressed or even find the time to shave my legs, much less put together a hip ensemble.

 I got wind last week that there is going to be a designer on hand at BlogHer —  Tim Gunn – and he is parceling out fashion advice in advance of BlogHer. Something like:

 *Must have a little black dress for the cocktail parties (I can only assume that fashionable strappy sandals or pumps must also be purchased)

*Designer jeans (Ok, he didn’t say designer, but, obviously he meant that) for the day so you’re comfortable in the sessions

*Blazer (Must be tapered correctly – not some $20 job you bought from JC Penny – what, who me?)

 I have none of these items on hand and no real time to shop or real money to spend. If only he’d said, “Make sure you show up with the following…” :

 *Roots from two-month old highlight showing

*Fuzzy eyebrows

*Faded jeans (if you’ve had them since before you were a Mommy, even better)

*Flip flops (extra points for Reef)

 I’d be loving life. I expect that when the time actually rolls around that I’ll show up with some combination of the above — designer jeans with fuzzy eyebrows, black dress with flip flops, or any combination of the above.

 Please don’t judge, Tim Gunn. I’m a Mom. If my two-year-old had a pass for BlogHer, I can assure you that she’d knock your fashion socks off. Where do you think all my time, money and fashion sense went?

3 Responses to “BlogHer fashion panic…”

  1. DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew i loved you! I’m so excited to “read you” now!!! Still laughing… (is that nepotism?)

  2. I am SO glad you started a blog–you are hilarious and endearing and REAL. I love it!

  3. Grins… Loved this post!! I repeat my past statement, you Really should consider a writing career! You have a wonderful writing style its comforting and so easy to relate to I’m sure for everyone who follows or reads your blogs. Laughs I would suggest some kind of copyright on your blogs for fear it may be stolen by some lazy television sitcom writer lol
    Thanks once again for sharing your journey and the many smiles and chuckles produced by it…

    … Chris …

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